Monday, August 15, 2011

At it again

I've been too busy, but made some progress on my tractor last week.  The weather finally got a little cooler, cool enough to make it bearable for me to finish sanding the body filler, and prime everything again.  Now it's on to wet sanding, then red paint.  Unfortunately, there are no pictures; not only would they look exactly the same as the last set since it's only primer, but I managed to break yet another camera.  I'll remedy that when it gets interesting again.  

I'm not feeling very chatty, so I'll show you some pictures with captions.  

 Corn and beans my neighbor and I grew.  Pic was taken a few weeks ago.  

 Car full of beans.  
 Corn, late beans and cucumbers (foreground).  They're much bigger now.  


 39 years apart.  

My latest acquisition...a White rider.  In this picture I'm putting the transmission back in.  The brakes were stuck, but I couldn't tell that while it wasn't torn apart in 7000 pieces.  The rear wheels wouldn't turn while I was unloading it, so I figured I fowled something up while pushing it into the truck.  I fiddled with it for a while and it ended with half the thing apart on my garage floor in perfect working condition... 

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." 
- Ronald Reagan

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